Photography Mentor

There’s no telling how many nights I was awake at 3:00am watching YouTube videos on how to not suck as a photographer! There’s no telling how many bad pictures I’ve taken. There’s no telling how many questions I’ve asked google. There’s no telling how many times I questioned myself, my talent, my creativity. If you’re interested in becoming a photographer, I would love to help you make this dream become reality!

Becoming BFFs with Your Camera and Lightroom


Let’s chat! Bring all of the questions you have about equipment, how to break away from auto and take control of your craft in manual mode, discuss great lenses, composition, framing, and Lightroom editing techniques.

Session Optimization


Let’s spend some time chatting about the session. Times to shoot for the best lighting, prompts to use to get genuine smiles, how to accept payments, etc.

Getting & Keeping Clients


Everyone and their dog has a camera in their pocket these days. What is going to set you apart so that you can not only get clients, but keep clients for years to come!

1:1 Coaching


Three one hour sessions. Let’s dive into photography basics, editing, equipment, business, designing websites, workflows to simplify life, developing an email list, and more.

Mentorship Inquiry

If you’re interested in working together, please fill out the form below and I will be in touch shortly! Looking forward to learning more about you!