God did not settle on you.

I forgot my bedding…and a towel. Not going to lie, that cotton dress worked just as well for drying off. Now I’m lying on a mattress that has been used by hundreds of people over the past who knows how long. Whatev. Luckily the students I brought along were way more prepared than I was and one of them loaned me their top sheet to cover up with. Maybe I’ll burrito it. 

All that to lead into the completely unrelated topic that God did not settle on you. You are wanted. You are His creation and despite being fully known in your sin… You. Are. Loved. I am loved. 

I mean obviously I don’t know God’s thoughts, but if I were betting, I wouldn’t say that when He started knitting you or I together in our mothers womb He said, “eh…we can settle on this one. That’s good enough. Moving on.”

For 8.5 years I have been a mom. For part of that time, I have been a mom to four children. Three of the four are starting back to school in a few days. Part of me is ecstatic. Part of me doesn’t want to trust the world with them for all day five days a week. Part of me thinks, I should’ve done more with them this summer. Part of me thinks, man, I survived and wasn’t nearly as impatient as last summer (after being home with them for months before summer). 

Let’s be honest. Throughout motherhood there have been times when I have thought, “man, I’m doing alright”…and there have been times I have thought that awful awful thought of, “man, they deserve so much better than me.”

For anyone in that boat today…God did not settle on your kids. Again, not saying I know His thoughts, but I’m assuming He did not say, “eh, I know this one deserves a more crafty mom, but I don’t feel like magnificently orchestrating this connection so let’s just throw you in (eeny-meeny-miny-mo) that womb. 


God chose you. He chose the imperfect-flawed-sinful-sloppy or neat-freak-unorganized or overly organized-loving or unloving-kind or unkind-patient or impatient- depressed or happy-anxious or laid back-hot-mess or I’ve got this crap figured out you.

We can get so bogged down in our overthinking. “Did I feed them something un-organic? Did I use the wrong sunscreen? Did I use sunscreen? Did they wear matching clothes to school? Did I forget to pack their lunch? Did they watch too much TV? Do they know how to share their toys? Did they brush their teeth? Did I ruin them? Did they take a bath? Should I work? Should I stay home with them? When the heck was their last bath?”

I now officially have 3495 verses I want to pop on here to encourage you, but the fact that it is 1:21 a.m. and I have to actually wake up to an alarm in the morning, here’s this. 

When you get bogged down in the overwhelming thoughts: “Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2).

If He takes care of the sparrows, how much more will He take care of you? He knows the number of hairs on your head. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. Trust in the Lord with all your heart. Do not be anxious about anything. He can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine. We are more than conquerors through Him. He has plans to prosper you and not to harm you. He has called you by name. You are His. He has overcome the world. 

God did not settle on you. God did not settle on your kids. 

Bye friends. 


When the baby moments slip away.


All the wrong things…